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Charlie Creasy
2 min read
Service Costing as a Financial Planning & Analysis tool
Most discussions about enhancing existing services or transforming the business revolves around technology. Whether it is an automated...

Charlie Creasy
1 min read
New Video Series: Vendor Selection
We are excited to publish another educational video series on our YouTube Channel. If you are getting ready to automate a manual ITFM...

Charlie Creasy
3 min read
The grass is always greener….
It does not matter how far in my career I look back, the corporate search for a silver bullet , and the executive’s own push to “keep up...

Charlie Creasy
1 min read
Demand Budgeting in a Service Enterprise
Demand budgeting. Once the discussion with customers has begun around services, this is the essential next step. Imagine working with a...

Charlie Creasy
2 min read
Making the CFO Shine
Presenting on target information In an ever increasing number of organizations, IT management either reports up through the CFO or dual...

Charlie Creasy
2 min read
Value Stream Basics
According to, a value stream is all of the actions (both value-added and non-value added) currently required to deliver a...

Charlie Creasy
1 min read
Just because you can…
Jeff Goldblum, as Ian Malcom in Jurassic Park pushes for the right thing Doesn’t mean you should. . This is one of the themes that echoes...

Charlie Creasy
3 min read
Expanding Adaption- Are your reports Actionable or Explanatory?
You have invested months of man hours into building a cost model. You might have a model in Excel, in a legacy data cube or in a COTS...

Charlie Creasy
2 min read
When your world changes , how do you cope?
Hand writing inscription Are you ready with marker, concept This year has certainly proven out the axiom that in business, everything...

Charlie Creasy
2 min read
ITFM Operational Integration Processes
Service Costing Systems/Platforms like Magic Orange, Nicus, Apptio, and others in the industry provide powerful automation of data...

Charlie Creasy
2 min read
The Skill Set Shift for Success
If your company is still using manual/Excel processes for your monthly or quarterly analytics, you have focused on getting employees who...

Charlie Creasy
2 min read
A three-point test to assess the usefulness of your Business Services
IT/Technology groups too often spend weeks or months of time designing Business Services and modeling their costs only to have them...

Charlie Creasy
3 min read
Service Costing is an Enterprise Class Big Data Project
Mature Service Management means tracking the cost, value, risk, quality, and demand for services. Service Costing is often the first step...

Charlie Creasy
2 min read
What about the Enterprise Architects?
Google’s ngram viewer shows that the word “architecture” had a stable usage from 1800–1980. It slowly rose through the 1980’s then...
Charlie Creasy
2 min read
Defining Value for ITFM
Deb Krueger- Thavron Solutions Gartner projects that worldwide IT spend will be $3.8 trillion in 2019. Does this adequately define the...
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