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Charlie Creasy
3 min read
The grass is always greener….
It does not matter how far in my career I look back, the corporate search for a silver bullet , and the executive’s own push to “keep up...

Charlie Creasy
1 min read
Just because you can…
Jeff Goldblum, as Ian Malcom in Jurassic Park pushes for the right thing Doesn’t mean you should. . This is one of the themes that echoes...

Charlie Creasy
3 min read
Service Costing is an Enterprise Class Big Data Project
Mature Service Management means tracking the cost, value, risk, quality, and demand for services. Service Costing is often the first step...

Charlie Creasy
3 min read
The 3 C’s of Data Maturity and Readiness
It was the topic of discussion at every ITFM/TBM conference last year. We heard it from everyone presenting — your data matters. This...

Charlie Creasy
4 min read
CMDB Sand Traps for ITFM /Service Costing Initiatives
Working with clients over the years has taught us that your organization’s CMDB ( Configuration Management Data Base) can be both your...
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